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Child Safe Packaging Group


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The Background, Current Regulations and Ideas
Date posted: Wednesday 13 February, 2002 at 5:25pm
Page Title: The Background, Current Regulations and Ideas for the Future
Child Resistant Packaging ??? The Background, Current Regulations and Ideas for the Future. The Background Child resistant (CR) packaging emerged in the early 1970???s in the United Kingdom, and slightly later throughout other European Union Countries. Initially testing, using panels of children, was undertaken only for reclosable systems; the familiar bottle and child resistant closure. It was considered then and it continued to be believed until recently that flexible, or non-reclosable packs; the familiar blister or strip, were inherently child resistant.

The standards to which reclosables needed to comply have, during the past 27years, undergone change and modernisation to conform to the changing characteristics and needs of the population. In the UK the standards were BS 5321 (1975), BS 6652 (1985) and, in its latest manifestation, ISO 8317 (2000).

Non-reclosables enjoyed the ascription of ???inherent child resistance??? until December 21st last year, through compliance with BS 7236 (1989), which did not specify child panel testing or testing by adult panels, merely materials, seal strength, seal integrity, freedom from rattle and resistance to bending. It was set out in the introduction to BS 7236 that if compliance was achieved the pack would ?????..(be) comparable to reclosable child resistant packaging in terms of child safety.???

It was easy to see that compliance with BS 7236 granted protection in the event of prosecution for breach of consumer protection legislation or the EU directive on general product safety and would provide a suitable defence in the event of any civil action. Similarly it enabled lip service to be paid to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society???s practice direction that ???..prescription medicines should be packed in child resistant containers.???

In 1997 BS EN 862 was published, this standard was subsequently updated in 2001, it is entitled ??? Packaging ??? Child Resistant Packaging ??? Requirements and Testing Procedures for Non-Reclosable Packages for Non Pharmaceutical Products.

The major sea change in the standards to which flexible packaging need to comply arose though in December 2001 with the publication of BS 8404 (2001) entitled ??? Packaging ??? Child Resistant Packaging ??? Requirements and Testing Procedures for Non-Reclosable Packages for Pharmaceutical Products.

A child resistant non-reclosable packaging standard for medicinal products has been in existence in Germany since October 1980. Its reference number is DIN 55 559 and it was up-dated in October 1998.

All four standards are intended for type approval, in other words to certify products as child resistant formed from a specified set of materials, and clearly they are not designed for QC procedures

A Discussion Concerning the Standards All three standards dealing with non-reclosables and the standard dealing with reclosables differ in a number of respects and it is worth setting down the major areas of difference to enable us to gain an understanding of the environment of the regulatory structure. If desired a more detailed comparison can be provided or dealt with during discussion.

The Child Test In the case of all standards the child sample consists of a maximum of 200 children aged 42 to 51 months, equal in distribution between boys and girls.

In all standards sequential testing is used, which by measuring trends enables a success or failure to be ascertained after testing a minimum of 25 individuals. This is achieved by plotting results as they occur, either above the previous result or immediately to the right of it, and when the resulting curve passes ...
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